Today I’m sharing how to hang a weave that you’ve cut off the loom & tied the warp threads off. I like to think of this as “sewing” the weave to a dowel rod. I’m using this technique to hang the side-ways weave that I shared last week, but I’ve also used it many times to hang weaves that I have cut off the loom and tied the warp ends off.
The best part of hanging your weave in this way is you have a bit more freedom in designing how the weave is hung. For this weave I wanted it really tight to the dowel rod and hung so that the dowel rod looked wrapped. Here are the steps that I followed to hang my weave:
step 1| select which thread you want to hang your weave with, it can be any thread that will support the weight of your weave.
step 2| flip your weave so that the back of it is facing you. Then find the first gap (were the first warp and weft meet) and bring the end of the thread through that gap in the front of the weave. Tie the thread to itself in a double knot (at the back of the weave) so it’s secured to your weave.
Side note: As I said I’m hanging a side-ways weave, so the thread I’m hanging the weave with is tying around my warp thread. If you’re hanging regular weave, then your hanging thread will tie around the weft strings. Depending on how your weave is and which thread you have used for the weft, you might want to bring the hanging thread down two rows of weft if that seems more secured.
step 3| once your thread is secured to your weave, bring your dowel rod (or branch or whatever you’re going to hang your weave from) up to the weave and wrap the thread around the dowel rod, over the front of the rod and then through the front of the weave (in between warp and weft) and out the back of the weave.
Another side note: Where you weave your hanging thread into your weave depends on how you want the hanging to look. You can space them out similar to it if was hanging from warp threads, or make them tighter together or further apart. As long as it will support the weight of your weave, it’s really up to you how you place your thread. For my weave, I’m again making it tight to the rod and close together. To get this effect I passed the thread around the dowel rod, then through the front of my weave. And last I wrapped the rod with the thread twice then passed it over the dowel and through the front of my weave again. This made the hanging thread look really tight together.
Step 4| continuing with passing the hanging thread over the dowel rod and through the weave until you have reached the end. At the end, after you have passed over the dowel rod and through the front of the weave for the last time, tie off the hanging thread to itself in a double knot at the back of the weave. Tuck any hanging thread ends in the back of the weave and trim.
And just to help show another one of your many “sew” hanging options, this weave pictured above was woven and hung in the regular vertical position. When hanging this one, I wanted a really spaced and loose hang, which I feel really fits the weave. So when hanging this weave, I made sure to keep the space between my weave and the rod large, I also brought the thread to the weave at different intervals so that the threads were more “wild” and could rest in different positions.
If you’re looking for other ways to hang your weave, some other weave hanging options can be found here.
Have you hung your weave in this way before? Or do you normally use warp loops? As you may know, I started weaving off a frame loom (which I still use today) and I really liked how I could hang my weaves with a lot of freedom since I had to cut them off the loom. I still to this day will sometimes cut warp loops if I feel the weave would look better hung in a different way.
Happy Weaving!
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October 8, 2016 at 12:05 amLove this!!
October 9, 2016 at 5:47 pmThanks Lauren!