Last week I showed you how I finished my weaving with the hem stitch, which isn’t the way I was finishing my weaves normally. So I started thinking maybe I should try hanging my weave in a different way too. To see how I normally finish my weaves, click here.
I decided for this weave, since I have more stability from finishing with the hem stitch, I would use my warp threads to hang my weave.
First I cut my weave off the loom and then flipped it over to the back side and placed my dowel rod over my warp ends. I then began to bring each warp grouping (2 per hem stitch) over the dowel rod and then through three weft stitch rows. I did this all the way across my weave until all warp ends were over the dowel rod.
My next step was to check the front of my weave to make sure that none of the warp ends were showing through. And guess what? I did have some warp ends that I passed over the front of a weft that I shouldn’t have (in the picture above you can see two white warps where they shouldn’t be). To fix this I just pulled those warp ends out of the weave and then passed them through the back weft rows more carefully making sure not to also grab the front weft rows, which fixed the problem. I highly recommend checking the front of your weave anytime you’re weaving ends in since you don’t want them accidentally showing through the front of your weave.
Once I made an adjustment to that one set of warp threads and was happy that the front of my weave wasn’t disturbed anywhere else, I began tying my warp tails together to anchor them. To do this I just formed a simple knot so that two sets of warp ends were tied together. I then trimmed the warp ends off so that they were smaller and it’s done.
Here is the picture of the front of the weave hung up. The back is somewhat messy, but the front looks very nice. What do you think of this finishing technique? Do you finish your weaves in this way or a different way?
Happy Weaving!
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August 2, 2015 at 12:00 pmI’m a beginner, and always have difficulties to finish my work neatly. This post -well, all of them actually :))- really enlightened me. Thanks, Kate =)
August 2, 2015 at 5:04 pmThanks Irana, I’m so happy it helped you!
Lana Stuart
January 21, 2016 at 8:25 pmThanks so much for this beautiful pattern! As a beginning weaver, I have so much trouble trying to figure out where to start and how to put a design together. This helps so much.
January 21, 2016 at 9:22 pmYou’re very welcome Lana! And your issue, which is the same for some others, is exactly why I put the pattern together 🙂
January 31, 2016 at 9:44 pmWhaaaaat! I’ve been racking my brain trying to make hanging on a dowel easier (I’m a newbie who uses a nail loom, and the nails are staggered, so I can’t just use the loops as they are since they’re different lengths). I’ve been cutting, tying, tucking and then using a different piece of warp yarn to wrap around the dowel. This looks great and makes me very happy!!
I’m learning a lot from your website. Thank you!
February 1, 2016 at 9:57 amYay!! I’m so glad that I could help 🙂
November 15, 2016 at 5:35 pmI love it! It’s such a neat way to finish a weaving. Thank you, Kate.
November 15, 2016 at 9:19 pmI’m glad you liked it 🙂
December 29, 2016 at 10:01 pmTrying it tonight on a piece that’s been on the loom two years. Glad to have found it. Thank you.
December 30, 2016 at 4:53 pmOh good! I hope you like the technique!
January 31, 2017 at 2:29 pmI will be using this technique in the future. Neat and clean. Thanks!
January 31, 2017 at 2:50 pmI’m glad to hear it’s helpful!