Hi friends! Today’s post is a little bit different. A while back I gave a brief explanation about using the cartooning technique to weave a picture. I would love to hear some feedback from you about this. If you’re interested in weaving pictures, I would like to know what your questions are and where you feel you need help.
My brief explanation of the process is mostly because I wasn’t sure how to approach explaining it and I think if I better understood where people are getting hung up, I would know how to explain it much better.
Here are my steps for cartooning:
step 1| have a picture the size of the weave you want to make. This picture can be an image that you have drawn or printed out (don’t forget to respect copyrights of other people’s art).
step 2| setup this image behind your warped loom. Depending on how your loom is setup, you can do this in a few different ways. I like to tape the image to a large piece of scrap cardboard that I then tape to the back of my loom so that it doesn’t move as I work.
step 3| following your image, weave yarn in the same areas as the picture, changing colors as necessary. In my weave I started with weaving my boarder to stabilize the warp threads. I then began weaving my flower image. For my pedals, I picked out three yarn colors to use and switched colors following the lines of the flower image. To avoid weaving in so many ends, instead of cutting my thread when finished with an area, I would skip to the next area with the same color and keep weaving. I did the same for the leaves.
So for example when I was weaving my light green and finished one leaf, I let the thread hang to the side then filled in the rest of the leaf colors. I then picked up the light green thread and ran it across the back of the warps to begin weaving the next light green area.
Another way to cartoon while weaving is to draw the image directly on your warp threads, but in the past I have found this tricky as my warp threads spin around as I weave. I also found that sometimes my marks would show a little in my finished weave, which I think most people wouldn’t notice, but it bothered me.
Ok, so there it is. I feel like it gets a bit vague, but I’m really not sure how to better explain it, so I’d love to hear your questions on this. Where do you need more information? Of does this make complete sense? I find weaving an image is so rewarding and would love to be able to better share the process with all of you. Feel free to leave your comments and questions below or email me at Kate@theweavingloom.com
Happy Weaving!
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Carol DeLater
February 17, 2017 at 5:32 amThank you Kate. There is a lot of great information on your site. Than you for sharing your knowledge and promoting the art.
February 24, 2017 at 7:36 pmThank you for your kind words, I love to share weaving with others. Have a great day!