As we approach the end of the year, I can’t help but look back. Not only has this blog grown a lot, thanks to all of you. But we’ve also covered a lot of fun weaving techniques, some that you might have even missed. So for these last two weeks I’m going to cover the favorite techniques from the blog.
To start, I had to talk about the double diamond pattern. This one I hear about all the time. It is such a pretty weave pattern, but it’s also one of the harder patterns. But don’t let the fact that I say the pattern is hard discourage you, because once you get in the flow of it, it’s actually really easy to weave. The hard part is trying to get your brain to stop thinking and just let your hands follow the instructions. Believe me, I even had some trouble wrapping my head around drawing up the pattern just to start. If you follow each row’s steps, you’ll come out with a really beautiful woven double diamond pattern.
This weave is my favorite because it’s so different and adds a lot of visual impact across a flat surface. I’ve also seen many weavers make really unique weaves using this pattern too, which is a real treat to see how this pattern is getting used. If you’re looking for something new to try or if you want more of a challenge then this pattern is perfect for you. And now for the double diamond post…
I felt like it was time again to play around with weave patterns again, because why not. This pattern is a really pretty pattern that alternates between small and large diamonds. This pattern messed with me when I was trying to figure it out, so my best advice is to not think about the picture as a whole, but instead think of just the row you are working on and the picture will form itself with each new row. And trust me, if you can do a plain weave, then you certainly can weave this pattern.
As usual I will be weaving from bottom to top and left to right. Also my advice for the end warp is do whatever you have to in order to make the pattern again. This means if I end with an over the last warp and then I’m supposed to go over one under two in the next row, I know I can’t do this. So I’ll end with an over then do three unders and continue with my pattern. Basically, the end warps won’t match the pattern, but no one will really notice.
Here is the grid that i’m weaving to. If you want to weave a longer area then this grid then go ahead, the pattern just repeats and can be whatever length or width you want. Again I’m starting in that bottom left corner when I talk about the rows I’m weaving and building up from there.
Here are the row steps:
row 1 | weave your weft thread over 1 warp to start. Then the pattern for the row is under 1 warp, over 3 warps, under 1 warp, over 2 warps, under 1 warp, over 2 warps, repeat (under 1, over 3…)
row 2 | you’re now weaving back from right to left. The pattern for this row is under 1 warp, over 2, under 1, over 2, under 1, over 3, repeat (under 1, over 2…)
row 3 | Over 2, under 3, repeat (over 2, under 3…)
row 4 | under 1 warp, over 2, under 1, over 2, under 1, over 3, repeat (under 1, over 2…)
row 5 | weave your weft thread over 1 warp to start. Then the pattern for the row is under 1 warp, over 3 warps, under 1 warp, over 2 warps, under 1 warp, over 2 warps, repeat (under 1, over 3…)
row 6 | over 2, under 3, repeat (over 2, under 3…)
row 7 | weave under 1 warp. Then begin the pattern over 2, under 1, over 2, under 5, repeat (over 2, under 1…)
row 8 | under 2, over 3, repeat (under 2, over 3…)
row 9 | weave under 1 warp. Then begin the pattern over 2, under 1, over 2, under 5, repeat (over 2, under 1…)
row 10 | over 2, under 3, repeat (over 2, under 3…)
row 11 | weave your weft thread over 1 warp to start. Then the pattern for the row is under 1 warp, over 3 warps, under 1 warp, over 2 warps, under 1 warp, over 2 warps, repeat (under 1, over 3…)
row 12 | under 1 warp, over 2, under 1, over 2, under 1, over 3, repeat (under 1, over 2…)
Again, if you’re intimidated by this (which I was when first trying to do this) it’s probably because you’re trying to think about the big pattern over all. Just follow the pattern for each row and as you go it will build.
If you like making patterns in your weaves, check out my twill and chevron patterns. Those are less complicated if you want to start there first.
Draft patterns like this one, are very prominent in floor loom weaves, but I think they look really nice in wall hangings too.
Have you added any patterns into your weaves? I would love to hear about what you’re working on.
Happy Weaving!
For more fun, follow me here ->

December 22, 2016 at 4:56 pmhi Kate, Thank you for sharing your wonderful blog and your weaving journey with us all! You are an inspiration! I wish you and your family and friends a wonderful Christmas, and a great New Year, with the hope of the love, peace and understanding for everyone that we have already found in our creative and artistic lives.
Enjoy your break, its well deserved! And we will catch up sometime in January when the holiday rush is over and we need to feel the yarn between our fingers.
December 23, 2016 at 11:08 amThanks Caroline! I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too!