I was in the mood for some fun things to make and I’ve gathered up the fun ideas I found to share with you also! Of course these are fiber based projects (I can’t help it I’m fiber obsessed and anything that will help minimize my stash is a win-win).
While looking around for ideas, I came across these really cute wool felt ball coasters by Inspired By Charm. They are so colorful and fun and make for cute coasters to use in your home. I like to switch around small decorative elements in my house, such as coasters we’re using, because they aren’t too expensive and it keeps your living space fresh. So it’s nice to have a few different coasters that can be switched depending on the occasion and how I’m feeling.
Do you remember the woven coasters diy that we made before? Those were fun and pretty simple to make too. And it’s nice to have some unique handmade items around the house.
Speaking of handmade items, I also really loved this pom-pom basket by A Beautiful Mess. The pom-poms bring a lot of warmth into the home and add texture and colors, which I love.
If you like that diy, then don’t forget about when we wove on a wire basket to make it a more fun and cozy storage item in the house.
Of course I found some holiday crafts too!
Since Halloween is coming up, I couldn’t pass up these cute pom-pom monsters by White House Crafts that you can make with your kids! My boys will have a lot of fun making these with me. Since they still aren’t old enough to but into pumpkins, these cute pom-poms are an easy way for them to make silly and scary faces to decorate with. I’m really excited to try these out with them.
When I came across this tassel pumpkin by Delineate Your Dwelling, I instantly wanted to make one. It makes for such a fun and fancy pumpkin, plus I can use up a lot of the scrap yarns I’ve been saving. I don’t know about you, but I have a crazy amount of scrap pieces of yarns that I’m always looking to use up, so projects like this make me excited. If you’re looking for other scrap yarn ideas, I have posts on pom-poms and a shag weave made from scraps here.
Do you have any fun crafting links to share that you’re working on? I love home and holiday crafts and I would love to hear about any I might have missed! Even if it’s something you made years ago, but use it still to this day, tell me about it.
Happy Weaving!
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September 29, 2017 at 2:02 pmHave you seen this one? its a tutorial for a woven stocking!
September 29, 2017 at 4:46 pmYes! It is sooo cute! Have you tried making it yet? Weaving a stocking is on my list… maybe this will be the year I actually do it, lol.