If you’ve been wanting to add pom poms or tassels to your weaves, but weren’t sure how to go about it, then this is the post for you!
To begin, weave your base exactly how you want it to look finished minus the pom poms and/or tassels. That means if you want rya knots or other woven patterns/colors, make them first. For this example, I wove a simple square using the plain weave.
Make your pom pom
step 1| Wind thread loosely around your hand (or any object that is the length you desire your pom pom to be) at least 100 times. The more you wind the thread the thicker the pom pom will be. I choose to add a second color to my pom, but only wound that color twice, because I wanted it to be just a small pop of color. I recommend playing around with how you add colors and different threads to your pom pom, to find a version that you like.
step 2| Take the thread off your hand and tie a thread across the middle of your thread donut. Make sure to tie the middle very tight, I tied on one side then wrapped the middle thread around to the other side and double knotted. It is important to get a tight knot, otherwise your pom pom will come apart. Also make sure that your middle tie thread has two long tails to mount your pom pom with.
step 3| Cut the loops on both sides of the tied middle.
step 4| Fluff your threads into a sphere and trim the edges so that you get a nice round shape. NOTE: do not trim your two middle tie thread tails, you will need these later to put the pom on your weave.
Make your tassel
step 1| Just like with the pom pom, wind thread loosely around your hand (or any object that is the length you desire your tassel to be) at least 10 times. The more you wind the thread the thicker the tassel will be.
step 2| Take the thread off your hand and tie the thread you are going to wrap the tassel with towards the top, leaving a loop at the top of the tassel, that you will pass a hanging thread through.
step 3| Below I’ve illustrated how to make a hidden tassel knot. After you have tied your wrap thread once, make a loop with one of the thread ends (shown in black below) and wrap the other thread end around the tassel and wrap loop (shown in teal below). Once you have wrapped the “teal” end around pass the “teal” end through the “black” loop. Then pull tight on both ends. The “black loop will drop under the wrapping thread and you will end up with just two end threads sticking out of each side of the tassel wrap.
step 4| Cut the end threads off right at their base, then cut the bottom loop. Pass a hanging thread through the top loop and tie it. You now have a tassel.
**And before you move on, check out this post by Lindsey at Hello Hydrangea on how to fill out your tassels and make them extra awesome (and don’t forget to check out her beautiful weaves too!)
Add your pom pom and tassel to your weave
step 1| Take one of the end threads of your pom pom or tassel and, using your tapestry needle, pull the end thread through your weave where you want your pom pom or tassel to go. Pull the other end thread through in the same row, two warp threads over.
step 2| Tie the threads together in a double knot.
step 3| To finish, weave the end threads in the back of your weave and trim.
Add as many pom poms or tassels as you like!
Has anyone added poms or tassels to their weaves in a different way? I’d love to hear about it.
Also if you were looking to add fringe to your weave, check out my post on Rya Knots here!
Happy Weaving!
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