Just Some Thoughts Weaving Tips

How to hang a weave with an odd number of warps

How to hang a weave with an odd number of warpsRecently I received a really great question about hanging a weave that has an odd number of warp threads. There are a few different ways to go about solving this issue that I would like to cover for anyone else with this problem.

If you’re really new to hanging weaves, then it might be helpful for you to check out my post on all the different ways you can hang a weave.

To start, I want to talk about how to avoid having an odd number of warp threads. The best solution to having an even number of warp threads at the top of your weave, is to tie your warp thread to the bottom of your loom and then when you are finished warping your loom, make sure to tie it off at the bottom. This guarantees that you’ll have an even number of warp threads at the top of your weave. I like to do this with my weaves, because I usually am cutting my bottom warps off the loom and then using my top warp loops to hang my weaves. If you’re cutting the top and bottom warps off your loom, then this will still leave you with an even number of warp threads at the top of your weave.

6 Ways to Hang a WeaveSo avoiding the uneven number of warps is all well and good, but what if your current weave has an odd number. Here are some solutions for you to try:

  • If you’re hanging your weave from warp loops: take the odd warp, tie it off by tying it to itself or tying it discreetly around a weft thread in the back of the weave. Basically tie it in which ever way will secure your warp thread so that it doesn’t start to unravel your weave. After it’s tied off, tuck it into the back of your weave.
  • If you’re hanging from warps loop and your extra warp is long: take the odd warp and loop it around your hanging rod and then securely tie it in the back of the weave, so it creates it’s own warp loop.
  • If you’re hanging your weave from cut warp threads: at some point in your hanging of the warp threads, tie three warps together instead of just two. When I have this issue, I tend to tie the three warp threads together at the edge of my weave.
  • Hang your weave without your warp threads: here’s a really great solution. Just tie off all your warp threads and tuck them in the back of your weave. Then ‘sew’ your weave to the hanging rod. This technique is extremely flexible and allows you to hang your weave in a lot of different ways and styles.  I have more details on the ‘sew’ hanging your weave here.

Hopefully this is helpful, please feel free to send me your questions. I do get a lot of questions, so I do have a bit of lag time answering, but I really want to help everyone figure out any issue they might be having so that we can all weave more easily and have more fun doing it.

Happy Weaving!

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  • maria leticia rodriguez maldonado
    June 9, 2017 at 7:10 pm

    todo como siempre hermoso y muy util. gracias

  • judy a leffler
    June 19, 2017 at 4:51 pm

    I also realized something just today, go figure! Anywho, if you warp your weave in increments of 4 then when tying off the bottom as I do it you won’t have an odd number left over. I use a hem stitch or double D stitch at the bottom and so there are 2 warp threads together and I tie 2 and 2 together. So if working in 4’s you’ll come out even and not short. Just a little fyi.

    • Kate
      June 22, 2017 at 10:16 pm

      Good point Judy! Thanks for sharing this.