Isn’t it funny how a simple or easy technique can have such a large visual impact on your design? Well today’s technique is one of those. I recently received a question…
I sometimes get caught up in my creative failures, and that can feel real heavy. It makes it harder to start the next weave and sometimes all the future ideas I…
I get asked the question of how to weave in new threads a lot, so I wanted to share with those of you who are newer to weaving and unsure how…
I recently ordered some yarn from the very talented Rosie of Miss Knit Yarns. If you love colors and texture, then you will love the yarn that Rosie dyes and spins.…
While looking over some old books I came across the twining weave and wanted to try it out. Twining is a process of interlacing strands to make twine, but you can…
I often get questions from readers asking for my opinion on their current project. Many times the weaver doesn’t fully like how their weave is starting to look. They will explain that…
I love to play around with the shape of the fringe I put on my weaves, it’s fun to cut them to different lengths and add angles into them to expand…
Hi friends! I am so excited to share this with you today (ok, so when aren’t I excited about weaving?). Today I’m sharing a post by the lovely Jelica from A…
Today I experimented with a fun way to weave shapes and have texture in your weaves. The process I used is called weft over, because you pass your weft over numerous…
I was recently asked what my weaving style was, which at least for me is hard to say, but it definitely includes loops. Ever since I wove some loops into a…