I will be going over different weaving tools in a few posts describing what they are and how to use them. Some tools may not be completely necessary, however they do…
I have been interested in playing around with woven patterns lately and one of the most basic patterns is the twill weave. A twill weave is created by passing the weft…
For this weave, I had a general idea in mind. I wanted to make a shape of a flower with loops and I wanted the top to kind of diamond with…
So as I mentioned before I like using dowel rods to hang my weaves from. The reason for this is they are easy to cut to size, they are affordable, and…
When starting out, it’s sometimes hard to know where to find good resources for weaving supplies, so when I come across some good finds I will share what is on my wishlist.…
I’ve always wanted to try weaving a picture of something, but hadn’t gotten around to it until recently. I found it to be surprisingly easier then I thought it would be.…
If you’ve seen my work, you may have noticed that I love weaving loops. I really like the soft texture that they give weaves. They also give a more organic feel…
A while back I started experimenting with weaving loops in my wall hangings and I got stuck on the piece I was working on at the time. It was almost completely…
There is a lot to say about the maker’s movement and I’m sure there are differing opinions on it, so I will just discuss what it means to me. If…