In today’s weave along (previous weave along posts here), we are not so much weaving as tying our weft thread along the warp strings. This makes a really nice lacy pattern that I arched to give it more interest. After creating the arched row of knots, I added two more rows of knots that filled in the side gaps and staggered the knots so that the warp threads were separated differently between each row.
To make these knots, we’re just going to be tying a basic single loop that is the same knot that you would start tying a shoe lace with.
Here are the steps that I followed:
step 1|| turn your weave to it’s back and find the middle of your warp threads. Because I have 16 groups of four warp threads, my middle is the 8th and 9th groups of four warps.
step 2|| tie your weft thread in a single knot around the left middle group (my 8th group from the left). Your knot will be in the back of the weave and on the front of your weave, just a single line of the weft thread will show.
step 3|| taking the right side of your weft thread, loop it around the group of four warps on the right. Next tie the weft thread end through the loop you created and pull tight to make a single knot. Line this knot up with the first knot, so that they are straight across from each other and just below the woven row above. These two knots are the top of your arch.
step 4|| continuing making your knots on both sides of your middle. Do this by taking the left weft end thread, loop it around the next group of four warps on the left and tie itself in a single knot. Make this knot slightly lower then the middle knots. Repeat the same single knot on the right side by taking the right weft end thread, looping it around the next group of four warps on the right and tying itself in a single knot around the group. Line the right side knot up with the left side knot, so that both are slight lower then the middle knots.
step 5|| continue in this way, making single knots on each side that are slightly lower then the knot made before them. You’ll be defining your arch with each knot until you reach the end of the warp threads.
step 6|| taking a new weft thread, tie it in a single knot, above the arched row of knots. But this time, skip the first two warp threads on the end, and tie the single knot around warp thread 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 from the other grouping. You’ll see that this starts to split the groupings of four warp threads.
step 7|| continue tying knots every four warp threads (splitting the previous groupings) until you have tied 6 groups at the same upward angle. Repeat this knotting of the second row on both sides of the weave.
Note: If your weave is wider then mine, then you can tie more then 6 groups. Just tie your knots in the same angle as the arch and stop when you reach the previous chevron row.
step 8|| after then second row is complete, add a third row of knots. Again start this at the side of the weave, this time knotting around the original group of four warp threads, so that you split the warp threads again. In this row I tied 3 groups of four warp threads and followed the same angle of the first arched row.
For now leave your knots as is, I’ll cover how to finish these in the back of your weave so that the end threads are gone. We’re getting close to the end of our weave along, hopefully you’ve enjoyed it and have learned some things along the way! Find all the other weave along posts here.
Happy Weaving!
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