A while back I started experimenting with weaving loops in my wall hangings and I got stuck on the piece I was working on at the time. It was almost completely finished, but I couldn’t figure out how I wanted the bottom fringe to look. No matter what I did I couldn’t figure out what would look best on that piece. So after a few days of not finding a good solution I started working on a new weave to give my brain some space.
This new weave was very experimental. I just kind of let me mind wander while making loops and it turned out really unique. It wasn’t my intention, but once I was finished it ended up looking like a huge thunder cloud, which I really love.
When I first finished I had wished that I used different colors, but when I noticed it reminded me of a thunder cloud, I thought the colors fit really well. I love this piece for two main reasons, first it gave me creative space to let my brain wander and guess what that totally worked to help me come up with a really great way to finish the other piece I was working on and took a break from. The second reason I love it is it really taught me that I can do a lot with my weaves and create 3D shapes.
This is a perfect example of experimenting with your art, because even if it doesn’t appeal to the masses, it helped me learn a great deal more about the weaving medium.
If you’re interested in learning how to create loops, see my post on it here.
What kind of risks have you taken with your creations? Did it pay off? Did you learn a lot from your experimenting? I’d love to hear from you.
Happy Weaving!
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