Last week we wove up some drink coasters, and this week I’m showing you how to finish those coasters up with a cute fringe-y tassels.
The best part of this is we’re going to add the tassels while also securing our warp threads and tying off our weave, so our weave is finished up a bit quicker then if you secured your warp threads and then added the tassels after that.
I like to have a bushy tassels, so I’m using my twisted cotton string, but you can also make a bushy fringe by using multiple amounts of a thin yarn (or even multiple pieces of warp thread!).
Here are the steps for making the tassels:
step1|| cut the coasters from the loom. If you made four coasters at once then cute the warp threads between the coasters at an even length so that you have enough thread to tie off.
step 2|| take one of the coasters and start tying two warp threads together in a single knot to lightly secure your weave (we don’t want it un-weaving itself!). If you wove on an odd number of warp threads like I did, then tie three warp threads together at some point. I chose to tie the last three warp threads together, but you can really tie three anywhere.
step 3|| cut your tassel yarn. To figure out what length of tassel you like, simply fold the yarn you’ll use in half and determine how far you want it to hang out from your weave. I made my yarn 1 ½ inches long in total, so when folded in half it’s about ¾ of an inch long. I felt this length looked best with my tassels. For my tassel, I used two pieces of twisted cotton string each. If you’re using a thin thread, determine how many you need to make your tassel as bushy as you would like.
step 4|| place your tassel pieces on top of one warp thread knot. Take the warp thread ends and double knot around the middle of your tassel pieces and trim the ends of the threads.
step 5|| fold the tassel pieces in half to form the tassel. Take a thin thread (I used some warp thread) that’s 5 or so inches long and tie a single knot around the folded tassel pieces.
step 6|| wrap the thin thread ends around the tassel a few times then tie a double knot at the back of the tassel.
step 7|| using a weaving needle pull the thread ends down through the wrap to secure and then trim.
I then separated my twisted cotton to create a nice fringe, but if you used multiple thin threads you won’t have to do this.
step 8|| continue making tassels in this way on both sides of the coaster until complete.
The tassels on the coaster add such a nice detail to the woven coasters. They are like little rugs for your guest’s drinks!
Happy Weaving!
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Nathalie Quêtu
August 5, 2017 at 1:19 amThank you very much for this tip. The rendering is much more enjoyable. And again a big congratulations for your talent.