The more you do something, the more you learn, and weaving is no exception. I definitely made my fair share of mistakes when I first started weaving (and still do!). I recently got a question from a really nice reader. She sent me a picture of her weave she had a question on and I saw that she had some spots where her warp was overexposed. She was nice enough to let me share with all of you the issue so that others can learn from it, if they too run into this.
So here is a picture of her piece and as you can see where I have the arrows, these spots have overexposed warp threads. To avoid this while weaving the weft should have been brought over at one more row to cover more of the warp. However if you get all the way finished with your weave and you just noticed you have overexposed warp areas, here is a cheat way to fix it.
I put together a mock-up of the issue, where you can see there are some gaps of overexposed warp. To fix the overexposed areas take about 6 inches of the same yarn, that should have been woven one more row. For my example I’m going to use a yarn that is a lighter blue and also a dark blue yarn that matches. This way you’ll better be able to follow what I’m doing with the lighter yarn, yet see how well the same color blends in.
Flip your weave over so that you’re looking at the back. Wrap your fixing thread around the front of the over exposed warp thread so that you have both yarn tails in the back of your weave as shown. Now take those two yarn tails and pull them through the backs of at least 2 warps. You will be pulling your new thread behind your already woven thread of the same color.
Flip your weave back to the front, you might need to do some minor adjusting if your weft threads got out of place from adding these fix threads. But as you can see here is what the piece looks like fixed. The light blue is very visible because of the color difference, however note that you can’t see the yarn tails of the light blue because they are woven behind the dark blue weft. The dark blue weft fix is nearly invisible. If you didn’t know there was a fixed area, then you probably wouldn’t notice it at all, pretty simple right? And no need to pull apart your whole weave.
Have you ever finished your whole weave and then realized there was a mistake in it? Did you end up figuring out a cheat fix like me, or did you un-do your weave?
If you want to see what I’m currently working on, check out my instagram!
Also if you’re having an issue with gaps in your weave, check out my post on how to fix those here.
Happy Weaving!
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