My notched loom has pretty wide gaps and that causes wide gaps between my warp threads. It isn’t a problem as I’ve made some very lovely wall hangings on it. But I was thinking that I would like to try double warping it for this next weave I’m working on.
The more warp threads you have, the more uniform and smooth your weave will become as the warp better holds the weft in place.
In case you also have a loom with larger gaps like me, here is how I double warped my loom. I first started by warping my loom as normal (those directions can be found here). Once I warped it as far as I wanted, I then started bringing my warp thread around the same notches in the opposite direction. This obviously made it so I had two warp threads around each notch (except for that last one which I used as a pivot point for my warp).
Once I got my warp thread back to my starting point on the loom, I then tied it off as I normally would. I next took some cotton worsted weight yarn I had and measured out a piece that would wind around my loom width a little more then three times. After I cut the yarn, I double knotted it around my frame towards the bottom then wove a plain weave across the warp threads. Since my loom was double warped, weaving the first row of the yarn was more like passing it between upper and lower warp threads, which you can see in the picture. When I reached the other side of my loom, I wrapped the yarn around the frame once and wove back in the other direction. This required more attention, as I had to make sure I separated the warp threads in the correct order. After weaving the second row, I then went through each warp thread with my tapestry needle and pushed the warp threads over so that they had a more uniform separation. I then looped my yarn around the loom frame and wove a third row. As my warp threads were more established in an order, this was an easier row to weave. When I reached the side of my frame loom, I double knotted my yarn to the frame.
These three threads will anchor my warp threads into place, which is why I tied them to my loom. They will not be part of my weave, and I will actually be able to re-use the yarn once my weave is complete and I untie it.
As you can see in this picture, even though my whole loom is double warped, the top shows how much of a gap there is when the loom is warped normally and the bottom shows the gap for when the loom is double warped. There is a big difference. I think I won’t separate and anchor my warp threads at the top, because I will be weaving bottom to top, so as I weave my warp threads should separate more. If while I weave, this is not the case then I’ll probably anchor the top too, but we’ll see.
And if you’re wondering about the story behind this loom, as I’ve shared before it is a loom made for children. It’s the Melissa & Doug Loom, but I do not mind weaving on it at all. It works for normal weaving too and I’ve made quite a few weaves on this loom. The back story is, when I started weaving I was using my Frame DIY loom (which I still use!) and my parents told me for my birthday they wanted to buy me a real loom, which I was like um yes please! And they asked me to send them some loom suggestions, which I did. Well my birthday comes and they give me my gift…and it was this Melissa & Doug Loom, which I had not even seen before. Let me tell you, I had to put on my poker face! I was just shocked like, oh my gosh, my parents did this super nice gesture and got me a loom for kids. But honestly, I’m never going to complain about being given a gift by someone, especially if they put a lot of thought into it and the thought of this gift really meant a lot to me! So I was like, I’ll just give it a go, and it actually worked like a loom, haha surprise! Plus it has this cool feature of detachable feet, so you can stand it upright on a table or use it without the feet in your lap. My dad also later explained to me that, he was looking at the loom suggestions I had sent him and noticed that all of them were a fit pieces together loom, which he said would become loose over time with use. He had wanted to get me a loom that screws together, so that they can’t become loose. I really appreciated that he put that much consideration into the gift.
Does anyone else have a loom story that you’re slightly embarrassed by? What was your first loom? Did you make it or buy a loom? Have you upgraded or do you still use the same loom? I’d love to hear from you.
I’ve added some links at the top of the blog to make it more convenient for all you great readers (whoop-whoop!!). There is a link to my shop, so you can treat yourself to something pretty. A quick link resource page that contains all my weaving technique posts. And last, but not least, a link to all the video tutorials I have made. I hope you enjoy!
Happy Weaving!
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Melissa & Doug Weaving Loom
Lily Sugar’n Cream Solids Yarn in White
Cotton Warp in Black
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Lindsay Gordon
October 8, 2015 at 7:26 pmPlease post the outcome of your weave with this method. My loom has similar spacing and I’d like to try the double wrapping.
I’m new to weaving (on my second project) and find your blog to be a great resource. Thanks for sharing, and please keep it up.
October 9, 2015 at 6:48 amHi Lindsay! That is awesome that you’re on your second project. Isn’t weaving so addictive? I will definitely share the outcome, but I imagine this weave will take me a while to complete. Not only because the double warp will make it take longer (yikes), but I’m also trying to do a complicated design that is somewhat large. And if I think about it any longer, I might talk myself out of it, ha ha. Anyway, I’m so happy you found my blog and I love to share my knowledge with others, so if there is something you have a question on that I haven’t covered yet let me know.
October 13, 2015 at 11:02 amhi Kate, I’m not big on leaving comments but feel I need to with bloggers that take the time to share their craft with awesome tutorials. Thank you so much for sharing. I follow you on
Pinterest and Instagram. I bought a loom and noticed that the gap was a bit wider than what I wanted. I’ve not used it yet and was wondering if I could double the warp when I came across your post. Again, thank you so much for the instructions and I will be following your projects.
October 13, 2015 at 1:18 pmHi Teresa, thank you so much for your nice comment. It really made my day and I’m so happy you find my blog helpful! I’m still a little intimidated by my double warps, ha ha, but I’m pushing through. If you find the double warping of your loom to be too much, you can also warp it one time, then warp every other notch on the way back which would increase your warp threads but not double them. I might do this the next time and see if I like that better or not. What is your Instagram handle? I’ll look for you. Thank you again for taking the time to leave a comment, I really appreciate your support. Have a great day!
November 29, 2015 at 4:04 pmHello Kate, thank you so much for this wonderful tutorial on double warping. I took a weaving class this summer and purchased a Meghan Shimek loom. As a spinner I have tons of fiber and yarn and I love that I now have another way to use up my stash. Double weaving will be just what I need to use up some of my thinner yarns. I can’t wait to get started. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.
November 29, 2015 at 7:12 pmHi Susie, how fun! Welcome to the world of weaving 🙂 I think you’ll especially love it since you can use your own spun yarn. Thanks for reaching out!
Candace Hill
December 12, 2015 at 5:46 pmThanks , Kate ! I’ve been double warping regularly because I don’t like the large spaces on my store bought loom & the weave is so much( I think) prettier doubled. It’s nice to hear how you’re doing what you’re doing although it sounds a bit more complicated than necessary. Also it’d be great to see pictures of a finished weave. All the best for more beauties!
December 12, 2015 at 8:51 pmHi Candace! I haven’t gotten very far on my double warped weave, which is driving me crazy. Too many other weave projects have come up, but I hope to really dive into it soon. I love to hear that you like the look of a double warped weave better, because I’m very interested to see what kind of a difference it makes. I will definitely share my finished weave. Thank you for your comment. Have a great day!
Lori Harmon
December 18, 2015 at 9:56 pmHi Kate,
I am 53 and recently thought I would like to give weaving a try. I saw the Melissa and Doug loom online and thought it would be a great little starter loom. I put it on my wish list and actually got it for my birthday last month. I finally assembled it and did my first project tonight…a coaster. I had trouble with the directions on how to take it off the loom and tie off the ends. The bottom loops were very small in length. My tie off job leaves a lot to be desired. I was looking online for tips on how to do this on the M &D loom when I came across your blog. I just had to laugh at your predicament with using this loom when you are so experienced at weaving and here I am actually choosing this kid’s toy to work with. 😀
Anyway, do you have any tips for me on how to tie off my projects on the M & D loom?
Thank you in advance. I look forward to exploring your blog and graduating to an adult loom in the future. 🙂
December 19, 2015 at 4:28 pmHi Lori, it is a funny story about getting the children’s loom, but I quickly learned that even if it’s a loom marketed towards children, it still is a loom. It works great for me, so I don’t think you should feel any rush to getting an “adult” loom if this one is working for you too 🙂
For finishing your weaves, there are a lot of different ways I have shared. My personal favorite is finishing with the hem stitch ( to secure the weave, then your tie-off doesn’t have to be fancy. Also just because you have loops, doesn’t mean you have to finish with them. You could always cut the loops in the middle and have threads to weave into the back of the weave, similar to what I show in this post
I hope this helps!
What a Cute Little Baby! | alottastitches
July 4, 2016 at 1:57 am[…] Double warp to weave with finer threads. […]
Peni Jo Renner
October 14, 2016 at 10:09 amI’m interested in buying a tabletop loom, but I’m afraid I’ll be limited to making things of 1 width. Can woven fabrics be joined together somehow to make wider items? If so are there tutorials on how?
October 16, 2016 at 1:28 pmYes, great question. There are ways to join weavings together. I haven’t explored anything yet, but hope to in the future. I’m sure there are some instructions out there already 🙂
susie donovan
December 10, 2016 at 11:56 pmMy first loom was bought at target. I got it home so excited and got two wooden side poles that were wayyyy to small for the holes on the top and bottom. It literally just fell over. I tried tape…no. glue…no…hot glue…no I even used epoxy putty which held for a few months but wobbled badly. Unfortunately working on a Martha Stewart DIY weaving loom until I can upgrade. I just saw the melissa and Doug one today online and thought it pretty cool… thanks for your awesome blog!!
December 15, 2016 at 10:31 pmThat stinks that the loom didn’t work properly. Hopefully the Martha Stewart DIY weaving loom is working ok for you. I’ve woven on a wooden frame and a cardboard loom that I’ve made. The wooden frame works really well (I still use it) and the cardboard is good for a few uses, but sometimes you just need to start somewhere 🙂
Cathy Lewis
December 26, 2016 at 10:26 pmHi! I am 59 years old and have always wanted to try weaving. Life and other forms of art gave always gotten in the way though. I decided that 2017 would be the year so I looked on Amazon for an inexpensive loom to get and if I liked it I could get a better one. As a joke I added it to my wish list this year and sent it to my daughter, never thinking I would get it. Imagine my surprise when I opened the gift that her boyfriend got me. There in my hands was my very own Melissa and Doug loom!! I knew the second I saw yours that was what you had and had to share this story with you. I was so excited that I probably sounded like a little girl when I said ” Wow! You got me a Melissa and Doug Loom!! Thank you!!” He said he was relieved because when it came to his house and he opened it and saw the age group on it he thought he had messed up. lol
So anyhow I am looking forward to staying my first weaving project 🙂
December 27, 2016 at 4:02 pmAww, I love that story! Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you love weaving & let me know if you have questions 🙂
Cathy Lewis
December 26, 2016 at 10:30 pmPlease excuse the misspelled words, typing on a phone in the dark and didn’t notice my smartphone decided to put words it thought I wanted to use instead of ones I typed!
December 27, 2016 at 4:02 pmNo problem, I didn’t even notice any 🙂
Catherine Veleker
December 29, 2016 at 4:17 amReading the Amazon reviews on the Melissa and Doug loom is helpful. If you want to weave around the side bars, the space is quite narrow and not adjustable but other than that there are no design flaws. I don’t see any reason to do that anyway. I have bought five of these looms for teaching and each arrived in perfect condition–no rough spots or missing parts. A feature I particularly like is the groove above the notches, really positioning the warp securely, and making it easy to double warp.
January 3, 2017 at 9:42 pmI recently thrifted the Melissa and Doug loom for $3.00. I just googled “can I use the Melissa and Doug loom to make something awesome” and here was your link! I am so ecstatic to get working on something! Thank you for inspiring me to try something new. I am also a person who never ever comments but I had to tell you I like your style: use what you’ve got and make it great! And, you answered my question 😄
January 10, 2017 at 1:18 pmAww, thanks for sharing this with me! This has really made my day and how cool that you scored a loom for $3!! I hope you enjoy weaving as much as I do 🙂