Sometimes it’s fun to go fringe crazy, so I thought it would be fun to try making a weave with a side fringe. Have you made one of these yet? At first I thought the weave would become unstable due to the side fringe, but I have found that with packing my wefts in and weaving in some structural rows it is pretty sturdy off the loom.
There are a lot of different ways to add a side fringe, and maybe I’ll try out and share some other ways in the future. For today’s post I made my fringe by weaving precut pieces of yarn, each row used just one piece. Here are the steps:
step 1| I put in some support rows to start my weave off. This is always a good idea, it helps lock your warp threads into place. I would recommend putting in at least 2-3 rows.
step 2| I picked a length that I wanted my side fringe to go past my weave. The easiest way to do this is hold thread over your warped loom and cut to the length that you like the fringe to hang on both ends. If you’re not sure what length you want, it’s best to cut the thread a little longer and then trim it once finished. Using my first cut thread as a template I cut a bunch of other thread lengths, so that I had a lot to weave with.
step 3| weave the first thread row as a plain weave, pull the thread through until your ends are even on both sides of your warp.
step 4| weave your next thread in the plain weave in the opposite direction, again pulling your thread through until the ends are even on both sides. Continue doing this for about 11 rows or so, making sure to push your wefts tightly down your warps.
If you’re interested in the pattern I created, I posted how to make it in this post here.
step 5| after about 11 rows, take a thread that is about 2.5 times as long as the threads you’ve been using so far. Weave this thread across your warps, leaving a tail as long as the other side fringe tails. Once you reach the end of the warps, weave the thread back in the plain weave. So you have woven two rows of plain weave with this thread. When you reach the end of the warps this time. Double knot the two thread ends and trim them to the size of the other side fringe ends and let them hang (I love easy finishes like this!). The point of this row is to lock the warp threads into place again and give your weave the structure it will need off the loom.
step 6| continue the above steps until you have made the design you wanted. For my weave I started to taper off into a triangle at the bottom and I added rya knots to continue the fringe look. If you’re new to making triangle shapes, I go over a way to do it in my free beginner’s pattern that you can receive by signing up for my email list below.
Have you tried adding side fringe to your weaves? If so did you weave it in a different way then I did? As always please feel free to share what you’re working on in the comments below, I love to hear what others are creating!
Happy Weaving!
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March 3, 2016 at 3:39 pmHi Kate,
Nice! I’m gonna try this!! haven’t done that before (first time weaver)
I tag you on IG when I’m done 🙂
March 3, 2016 at 4:17 pmHi Claudia, fun! I can’t wait to see it 🙂
March 3, 2016 at 6:23 pmBecause of your blog, I bought a pear hand loom, and after a few false starts, I find myself creating something I really like. The “needle” is too fat to carry much yarn, so maybe I’m missing something. On the other hand, when I run out of the yarn, I switch to ribbons and fabric borders that I’ve collected over the years, and I really like the effect. Thanks for the inspiration.
March 4, 2016 at 10:37 pmHi Bonnie, I’m so glad to here you are enjoying weaving. It’s hard for all of us in the beginning, but it sounds like you’re getting past that part 😀 I also don’t really care for the needle that comes with that loom, it’s too bulky for me. I like to use a tapestry needle with a bent tip, but I have learned the hard way to get the metal ones since they get some force on them sometimes and a plastic one I had broke.
I wrote a post on the tapestry needle I used here if you’re interested
Have a great day!