I love to play around with the shape of the fringe I put on my weaves, it’s fun to cut them to different lengths and add angles into them to expand your design. Today I’m showing you how to cut a curve into your fringe. It really adds a nice smoothness to the fringe.
What you’ll need is some sort of circular plate, bowl, or similar that you can use as a template (and scissors of course). The circular item you pick to use should be large enough to cover all your fringe and the heavier it is the better so that it doesn’t move much while you cut. Although if you only have something light, then put a heavy object on top of it when you’re making your cuts.
step 1| on a table, spread your fringe out as straight as possible.
step 2| place your template over the fringe, putting the edge at the spot where you want your fringe to curve.
step 3| carefully cut your fringe around the template so that it follows the curve.
I learned two things while doing this #1 if you place your fringe tips that you’re cutting off by the edge of the table, it makes cutting around the circle much easier and you’re less likely to disturb the template. #2 don’t try to cut while taking pictures, lol. I had to go back and neaten up my fringe.
I really like the subtle style a curve in the fringe gives the weave. It’s clean, but also interesting. What do you think about the curved fringe? Is this something you’d add to your weaves?
If you missed it, I posted about the weft-over technique to make the shape in this weave here (including links to the beautiful pink and grey yarns I used)
Happy Weaving!
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April 7, 2016 at 6:10 pmThanks for the suggestion. When I am cutting a triangle shape I usually go freestyle, but was thinking I could do the same as the bowl… But with a book turned on its corner . What do you think? Felicity – thehappylittlebeader
April 8, 2016 at 9:34 amHi Felicity, yes using a book is a great idea. I also tend to go free style for my straight cuts, but I didn’t even want to try doing that for a curve 🙂