Let’s talk weaving techniques. I’m pulling together my “best of” weaving instructions for those that are new, might have missed one, or want something new to try. I’ve even made some weaving videos for some of the techniques.
||Basic techniques||
– These are the best techniques to start with if you’re new to weaving. Even as someone who has been weaving for a few years, these techniques are the backbone to most my weaves.
Soumak Weave – I also have a Soumak weave how to video!
– These are my favorite techniques to create woven textures. My philosophy is the more texture the better, this isn’t a painting after all, so why not embrace this textile art at it’s fullest.
Pile Weave – I also have a Pile weave how to video!
– Draft patterns are commonly used when weaving with a floor or table loom, but that doesn’t mean we lap loom weavers can’t have some fun with them too! If you’re an intermediate weaver looking for a challenge, try some of these techniques below.
Herringbone Weave – And a Herringbone weave how to video!
And so many more techniques can be found on this Weaving Techniques page I created. I am happy to say, the list is over 30 links to tutorials! I try to update this regularly with each new technique I write about, so that you can find it easily.
Now I have a question for you, what weaving technique do you like to use? Do you pair two or more techniques together often?
Happy Weaving!
For more fun, follow me here ->

July 12, 2016 at 1:32 pmHi there,
I’m new to weaving and I’ve been using your site as a “how too” for everything, I was wondering how you make all your different styles mesh togther? I’m struggling to move away from horizontal weaving and I find its making my wall hangings not look as great as they could be. On your weaves I can see that they don’t follow the left to right, left to right for everything and you have a variety of shapes going on that blend great.
Any advice would be great
July 12, 2016 at 4:16 pmIf I were to give you a short answer I would say I just put the shapes in and make it work. But for a much better answer, I have a few posts that you can look over:
This one shows how I change threads next to each other, although they are horizontal I think it’s helpful to see: https://www.theweavingloom.com/back-to-basics-how-to-weave-in-new-threads/
Here I’m talking about putting angles and waves in your weave, so you can see how to push your weft threads around: https://www.theweavingloom.com/weaving-technique-making-angles-and-waves/
And my free beginner’s pattern takes you through making a weave with a triangle, this is a more straight forward approach to making shapes: https://www.theweavingloom.com/free-beginners-weaving-pattern/
Hopefully these help, or at least get you started!
July 13, 2016 at 3:47 pmThank you so much 🙂