I have finally given the weaver’s knot a try. A weaver’s knot joins two threads together in a knot that will secure your threads and allow you to continue weaving. Since I’ve only just started using this technique, I’m not really sure if I’ll like this more or less then my previous process of starting a new thread next to the old and then securing the yarn tails when I finish my weave. I’ve included the steps to making a weaver’s knot along with a video so you can give it a try too and see if it could benefit your weaving!
So here are the steps:
step 1| taking your old thread end, make a loop.
step 2| bring your new thread end through the loop of the old and across the top of the old thread
step 3| then bring the new thread under the old thread end tail
step 4| finally bring the new thread through the loop again, this makes the knot
step 5| Pull both ends of the threads in the opposite direction to tie the knot, making sure to pull each thread hard so that the knot tied is tight.
I’m going to pop in an edit, as two people have pointed out, to finish the weavers knot tie it tight and then cut the ends really close to the knot. I left the ends long and wove them into the weave, but it’s true I need to trust the knot and cut the ends off, that’s the whole point of the knot after all!
I have also made a video of the process, since that is easier for most people to learn from.
Do you use the weaver’s knot when weaving? And if so, do you find it to be more helpful when finishing your weaves? If not, is this something you might give a try? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Happy Weaving!
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Lynne Everett
September 12, 2016 at 8:49 amYou have inspired me to get back to weaving, something lost in the 70’s. Have tackled a circular weave of 30″, yikes. Have it almost finished but would like to finish it off with a large rya loop center piece at the top. How would I create this as the warp threads are about 1″ about at the outside edge top of my hoop? My vision is a big poof similar to what you have on one weaving on Etsy, not cut just loopy. Make it off loom? Help if you could. Thanks, Lynne
September 12, 2016 at 3:08 pmHi Lynne, I’m so happy to have inspired you to get back into weaving! A circular weave of 30″ sounds wonderful!! The way I made the poofs is a little complicated, I ran into the same problem of having too much of a gap between the warp threads, so I had to add more in. It could also work to make it off the loom, I haven’t tried that so I’m not sure. But definitely keep playing around with it!
October 14, 2016 at 9:05 amIf you’ve pulled the threads tightly, it’s safe to go ahead and trim the ends as close to the knot as you can, then you don’t have to worry about weaving them in.
October 16, 2016 at 1:25 pmThat’s true, but I always get paranoid 😉
Mike Kendall
October 19, 2016 at 7:55 amHi Kate, Thanks for you work making this web page and helping all. I am trying to learn how to weave after retiring from the military and in the process of building a flying-8 loom from plans purchased in Germany but cannot find any resources to help me get started. Best regards, Mike
October 19, 2016 at 2:22 pmOh wow a flying-8 loom! That sounds fun. I’m not sure how much my blog will help, since that type of loom works differently then a lap loom, but there are probably somethings that might overlap. But you can always look to YouTube or Google for help with the flying-8 🙂 Have a great day!
Debbie K
October 27, 2016 at 2:00 amNo need to tuck the ends in later. Just cut them off super close to the knot. It won’t come undone, trust the knot!
October 27, 2016 at 3:27 pmSo true! I need to learn to trust the knot 🙂
October 28, 2016 at 6:41 amI assume that this knot would be appropriate to use in crochet as well? I find that my fingers aren’t nimble enough to do a Russian join.
October 28, 2016 at 10:07 pmI haven’t used it in crochet myself, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. The knot ties up really tight and holds well, so I say go for it 🙂
December 2, 2016 at 7:29 amI use it in crochet and love it! I usually don’t trim the ends though but crochet them in for a few stitches.
November 7, 2016 at 11:01 pmI was wondering what kind of loom you are using in your video?
November 10, 2016 at 3:23 pmYes, it’s a really cute loom from Sonora Handmade https://www.theweavingloom.com/weaving-wishlist-sonorahandmade-loom/
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