When I talked about twining last week, I mentioned that you can use twining to make shapes in your weaves. So today I put together a fun post on how to create the scallop shape using twining.
The best part of the twining process, is that we’re going to use it to create an outline of the shapes we want and then we’ll fill them in with plain weave.
As a refresher here are the steps to twining & a detailed post can be found here:
step 1| taking two long threads, I tied then in a knot together leaving a 3 inch tail. This knot is temporary, so don’t tie it too tight. It will be used as an anchor for twining the threads.
step 2| bring one thread under the first warp thread (we’ll call this thread #1) and the other over the first warp thread (we’ll call it thread #2). You can see how the knot we tied is anchoring the threads around the warp, so that as we do our twining we don’t completely pull our threads out (which I’ve done before, it’s not fun).
step 3| next twist the two threads around each other (the twist will be in between the warp threads), then bring thread #1 over the next warp thread and thread #2 under the next warp thread. Twisting the threads before you move onto the next warp thread is what helps secure them, it also makes the twining effect.
step 4| continue to twist the threads around your warp threads until you reach where you want to stop. If you’re filling in your weave, you can finish the twining by un-tying your anchor knot and tucking the threads in the back of the weave, as you normally would.
To create the scallop shape:
step 1| I twined a small amount of thread, then started moving the twined thread into an arch. I did this by pulling down on the beginning part of my thread and pushing up the other area. You can easily work the twined threads so that they fit the shape you’re trying to make by pulling on the threads to loosen them or tighten them.
step 2| once I had a basic start to my arch shape, I continued twining the threads and angled them so that they completed the arch shape. The arch ends at the center of my warp threads.
step 3| with one arch done, I started to make the second arch. My goal was to keep the arches the same size. You may have to adjust the twined threads as you go to maintain the shape, I had to push my middle between the arches back down.
step 4| I added two rows of plain weave under the arches, then filled in my arches.
step 5| here is where I started to make the actual scallop shape. Taking my two threads again, I twined them starting well above the edge of my arch and then twined the threads down towards the arch until they touched.
step 6| I then twined the threads up and back down to create another arch. And finished the shape with the twined threads angling up in a mirror of the beginning edge. You can see the scallop shape now. Continue by making the two arches that you first made in the next “row” and then making the single arch with the two half arches on the ends. This will make a bunch of scallops.
It’s such a pretty design! I would love to see if you make it, send me an email or tag me in Instagram!
Oh hey! In case you missed it, I opened up a shop on my website. It’s taken a lot of work to put together, but I’m so happy to be able to have supplies for all you who have been asking for it. Right now I have some cotton warp threads (in regular and really awesome colors) and my favorite 5” metal weaving needle. I’ll also be adding some other weaving supplies shortly. Join my shop mailing list if you want to be notified of shop updates!
Happy Weaving!
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