Usually the weft threads get all our attention, but today we’re going to focus on the warp threads. As you know, the warp threads are the backbone of your weave and depending on how you weave, they can either be hidden or a part of your overall design. I’m sharing how to change your warp threads, so that you can have two or more different warp threads to weave onto.
The best part about this is that it creates a somewhat subtle visual change in your weave. For my warp, I used a white thread and a navy blue thread. I picked these colors because I wanted a high impact, but I think it would be interesting to use warp threads that were closer in color and see if it made more of a hidden difference. My favorite part of the different colored warp threads are the small warp stitches that peek through where I have the navy warp. It really pops, even in the roving parts of my weave. If you’re looking for navy thread to warp with, here is one (<-affliliate link)
To warp a lap/frame loom with different color threads, here’s my recommendations:
step 1|| with your first warp thread, start warping your loom up to the point where you want to start your new color.
step 2|| give your first warp thread about 1.5 inches past the loom end and then cut the warp string.
step 3|| take your second warp thread and tie the end of the 1st warp to the second warp thread using a weaver’s knot (our favorite!). Make sure to tie this knot so that it lays right at the loom frame.
Weaver’s Knot steps (find steps with pictures & video here)
- taking your old thread end, make a loop.
- bring your new thread end through the loop of the old and across the top of the old thread
- then bring the new thread under the old thread end tail
- finally bring the new thread through the loop again, this makes the knot
- Pull both ends of the threads in the opposite direction to tie the knot, making sure to pull each thread hard so that the knot tied is tight.
Tip: I like to tie my warp start and end at the bottom of my loom. And when tying these warp threads together I also placed them at the bottom of my loom. This way when taking my weave off the loom, I can cut the warps at the bottom and ensure my top warps are clean and uniform. The bottom warp threads will be secured in the back of my weave after I cut them from the loom.
step 4|| continue warping your loom as normal, again until the point where you want to change colors again. Repeat the steps starting with step 2 until your done warping your loom.
Pretty simple, right?! I think that the weaver’s knot is especially magical, you can do a lot with it and it’s easy to tie (well… easy once you get the hang of it. I’ve had a few untie on me when I’ve done it wrong).
I can’t be the only one excited about these new warp possibilities. Are you going to try this? Have you warped with different colored warp threads before?
Happy Weaving!
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judy leffler
December 8, 2016 at 4:59 pmThanks for sharing this one, I have been wanting to do this and now I know the perfect way! Thanks, Kate!
December 15, 2016 at 10:12 pmI’ve been wanting to do it for a while too and it is actually a lot more fun then I would have thought, lol.
December 8, 2016 at 8:02 pmThis is so exciting. I was planning on making a neutral piece for a friend in January, and adding a pop of warp thread in the mix would be so cool! Thanks!
December 15, 2016 at 10:12 pmYay! I’m so glad I could help 🙂
Helen Ng
December 9, 2016 at 10:13 amI took my first weaving workshop and have fallen in love weaving and your site! I’ve spent quite a bit of time reading all of your posts so thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge. It has been really helpful! I’m going to give this a try. Can you please provide the source for the thick white yarn that you used so I can get the same textured look? I would be more than appreciative to click on an affiliate link to support you! Thank you!
December 15, 2016 at 10:15 pmIf you’re talking about the fluffy wool roving, I got that from KnitPicks, they have a great selection.
December 9, 2016 at 2:08 pmGreat idea! Love getting weaving tips and techniques from your blog 🙂
December 15, 2016 at 10:16 pmThanks, I’m so happy to share 🙂
December 9, 2016 at 3:58 pmI’m so excited to try this! I’ve thought about using multiple colored warp threads before but I never thought about using the weavers knot. This is going to make that so much easier, and make it hold together better lol 🙂
December 15, 2016 at 10:17 pmYay Jessica! I can’t wait to see what you make 🙂
December 10, 2016 at 1:20 pmHi, my question is unrelated to this post but I am sick and thought maybe you could help or even one of your followers. I am almost finished with a project on a kind of medium/ large lap loom. I still pretty new at this. One of my warp strings broke, the end string. I’m heart broken! Is kind of a big project for me and had taken me a couple of months spine I don’t have much time and I’m almost finished! Ugh. Is there anything to do that could fix it?
December 15, 2016 at 10:19 pmOh no, that stinks. Is it possible for you to use tape and tape the warp thread to the loom frame until you can finish the weave? Or even take a new small piece of thread and tie it to the broken warp area to bring the warp threads back together? I hope you can find a good solution.