Weaving Techniques

Weaving Techniques || Weft Facing Weave

Cover your warp threads with the Weft Facing Weave | The Weaving LoomI often talk about how I use a worsted or DK weight yarn to weave with so that I can push the rows down tight and mostly cover my warp, but recently I tried the weft facing weave and this really works to hide the warp threads, even for thicker yarns. And this weave is super simple, in fact you’ll laugh at how simple it is.

Cover your warp threads with the Weft Facing Weave | The Weaving Loom

The pattern for the weft facing weave is to bring the weft over two warp threads and under one. Then repeat two over one under, etc. See simple. The neat thing about this weave is that it floats the weft over the warp threads and the more you push your rows down together, the more the warps are hidden.

Cover your warp threads with the Weft Facing Weave | The Weaving Loom

The above picture shows the difference between the plain weave and the weft facing weave. I woven the top rows in the plain weave, the middle rows in the weft facing weave, and then the bottom rows in the plain weave again. As you can see the warp is totally hidden in the middle rows. Well not so much at the very bottom and top of the weft facing weave because these rows don’t have pressure on them so they are spreading out. But if you were to weave with this weft facing in a full weave the warp threads would be covered nicely.

Cover your warp threads with the Weft Facing Weave | The Weaving Loom

Here is a closer shot of the threads and you can see that middle section is covering much more of the warps compared to the bottom and top sections in the same yarn.  It also gives your weave a little more texture, because as I pointed out before your weft is floating over your warp threads more and giving your weave a more bubbly look.

What do you think of this weft facing weave?  Do you think you might try it in one of your weaves?

Happy Weaving!


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  • Teresa
    December 11, 2015 at 8:33 pm

    Hi Kate, love all your tutorials and check in with you often. I don’t know how I missed this post. I will definitely be trying weft facing weave. Thank you! Teresa

    • Kate
      December 11, 2015 at 9:01 pm

      Thanks Teresa! The weft facing weave is pretty interesting. I don’t use it too often, but I like how it looks. If you want you can join my mailing list, I send out a new post email with a brief explanation of what the post is about and a link to the post itself every time there is an update.

      Hope you have a great day!

  • Rebekah Dwyer
    October 29, 2016 at 4:43 am

    Hi Kate,
    Your website is fantastic! I’m quite a new weaver and had no idea what weft facing meant, or how to create other patterns. I feel like the possibilities are endless and thanks to your posts I’m feeling confident about experimenting and creating!
    Thanks very much,

    • Kate
      November 1, 2016 at 2:53 pm

      Yay! I love hearing that I’ve helped others get into weaving! I hope you enjoy it 🙂

  • Nathalie Quêtu
    December 31, 2016 at 12:11 am

    Yes, it’s better, thanks 😉