Hi friends! I have finished my video on how to do the herringbone weave. This video will give you a good idea of how your weft flows over and under the warp threads to create the pattern. I love how these draft patterns look, but I always have to get my mind in the right place before I make one because to me I like to be more direct when making a visual element. With the draft patterns, they build a visual in a more passive way. And actually it’s fun to see the pattern form, because in the beginning it looks like not much of anything.
The original herringbone weave post is here. As a refresher, the steps for the herringbone weave again are:
step 1| pass the weft under 2 warp threads, then over 2, under 1, over 1. Now I repeat the pattern until I hit my 16th warp thread (ending on over 2 warp threads).
step 2| weaving in the opposite direction, I start with 1 under, 2 over, 2 under, repeating 2 over/2 under until I hit my 16th warp thread (ending on 1 under).
step 3| pass the weft 2 over, 2 under, over 1, under 1, repeating until I hit my 16th warp thread (ending 2 warp threads under).
step 4| 1 over, 2 under, 2 over, repeating 2 under/2 over until I hit my 16th warp thread (ending 1 over).
step 5| here the pattern is a repeat of step 1; under 2 warp threads, then over 2, under 1, over 1. Now I repeat the pattern until I hit my 16th warp thread (ending on over 2 warp threads).
step 6| repeating step 2; 1 under, 2 over, 2 under, repeating 2 over/2 under until I hit my 16th warp thread (ending on 1 under).
step 7| repeating step 3; 2 over, 2 under, over 1, under 1, repeating until I hit my 16th warp thread (ending 2 warp threads under).
step 8| repeating step 4; 1 over, 2 under, 2 over, repeating 2 under/2 over until I hit my 16th warp thread (ending 1 over).
I’ve seen weavers that made a twill weave following my tutorials and at least one weaver that made that double diamond weave. If you’ve made any of these or even the chevron weave, please share! I would love to see how it turned out and here what you think about these patterns in your weaves.
Happy Weaving!
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October 28, 2016 at 2:20 pmfantastic things
Do you known something about dimentional weaving?
i write from italy from toscany florence
some kiss you are super!!!
October 28, 2016 at 10:08 pmThank you for your kind words! I have been reading about dimensional weaving, but haven’t yet tried it myself. I think it would be fun to do and it’s on my list to tackle (and of course share)
January 13, 2017 at 5:13 amHi Kate, I find myself constantly wanting to be creative with many different crafts, I’ve just come across your site and as a beginner would love to know if you can make a loom ? I’d love to make some of the bracelets that are like micro macrame !!
January 14, 2017 at 10:26 amI’ve used a frame as a loom, which I talk about here https://www.theweavingloom.com/create-your-own-frame-loom-no-tools-necessary/
and also I have instructions on how to make a loom out of cardboard here https://www.theweavingloom.com/how-to-make-a-cardboard-loom/