For a while now I’ve been eyeing the beautiful cotton string that macrame artists use. From the limited research I did, I saw that there are strings that are braided and strings that are twisted (and probably a lot of other information that I haven’t learned yet). The twisted string quickly became my target, because all I could think about was the amazing fringe/tassels/texture that I could create with it, especially having the option to un-twist it if I wanted. Once I was done daydreaming I searched for the cotton string of my dreams. Surprisingly a lot of what I found was outside of the U.S. so the shipping was waaayyy more then the actual price of the string (you know, because a spool of it is heavy!).
I kind of put this in the back of my head, waiting to see if my desire for the string out weight the cost of shipping. So fast forward to a month ago, when I interviewed my talented fiber friend Cindy of Niroma Studios, and she told me she was going to start selling cotton macrame string!!! I was so excited (she’s in the U.S.!), I bought myself a spool of 3 mm cotton string as fast as I possibly could! And of course I wanted to share, incase anyone else has been looking for this type of fiber too!
It’s funny how gorgeous a simple cotton can be. I love this string. It is so soft and has such a nice natural color. And to be honest, I wasn’t quite sure what I would make with it. I had a lot of ideas, but I’ve never worked with something like this, I kept wondering if any of my ideas even work? Weeks have passed since I bought this string and finally I just decided to go for it. I’m in the process of making a weave, that I’ll share with you later this week. I hope it will be finished and look great, but no guarantees
If you’ve been looking for macrame string like this too, you can get it from Niroma Studios here.
What’s a new-to-you material you’ve tried out recently or plan on trying out? Did it work out like you expected? Did you learn anything new from what you made?
Happy Weaving!
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